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Bewertet mit 4.7 von 5 basierend auf 101 rezensionen auf
9 Aug 2021


I had a great time on the cruise. The crew was excellent. Hilda, Yohanis as Tessa clearly exceptional. I did have issues with the office Staff. I was coming from CA and had to get Covid tested before I reentered the United States. I contacted Josie a couple of times who works in the front office. Covid testing was supposed to take place on board the boat but a few days before the cruise it was cancelled. I asked Jossie how can I get covid tested before a flight which was the morning after. Jossie did not offer anything affirmative and did not reach out to the crew while I was in the US. It was my suggestion I get tested in Gent and jossie sent me a link to a website in a foreign language. I asked myself, how would I be able to get there? What time should I book my appointment? Is it going to be anywhere near the bike tour? I had no choice but to cancel my flight returning to the USA and book another 24 hours later and spend a night at a Brussels Hotel at my expense. I lost a day at work and my new last minute flight had 2 layovers one 9, hours (Phoenix) and one 7 hours in (Newark). This was not necessary since the crew new how to handle it. Clearly there was poor communication between the office in the crew. One person in this company dropped the ball and I paid the price.

9 Aug 2021


I had a great time on the cruise. The crew was excellent. Hilda, Yohanis as Tessa clearly exceptional. I did have issues with the office Staff. I was coming from CA and had to get Covid tested before I reentered the United States. I contacted Josie a couple of times who works in the front office. Covid testing was supposed to take place on board the boat but a few days before the cruise it was cancelled. I asked Jossie how can I get covid tested before a flight which was the morning after. Jossie did not offer anything affirmative and did not reach out to the crew while I was in the US. It was my suggestion I get tested in Gent and jossie sent me a link to a website in a foreign language. I asked myself, how would I be able to get there? What time should I book my appointment? Is it going to be anywhere near the bike tour? I had no choice but to cancel my flight returning to the USA and book another 24 hours later and spend a night at a Brussels Hotel at my expense. I lost a day at work and my new last minute flight had 2 layovers one 9, hours (Phoenix) and one 7 hours in (Newark). This was not necessary since the crew new how to handle it. Clearly there was poor communication between the office in the crew. One person in this company dropped the ball and I paid the price.

3 Okt 2019

Bev P

The Iris is a beautiful barge! Very comfortable and relaxing. The staff are all delightful and go out of their way to make you feel welcome and looked after. Food was very good but a couple nights could have done with a bit more on the plate. Wrong turns by the guide as we all followed got to be a bit much after a few days so I think they either need better GPS or more familiarity with the route!! All in all a great week though and would highly recommend!!

3 Okt 2019

Bev P

The Iris is a beautiful barge! Very comfortable and relaxing. The staff are all delightful and go out of their way to make you feel welcome and looked after. Food was very good but a couple nights could have done with a bit more on the plate. Wrong turns by the guide as we all followed got to be a bit much after a few days so I think they either need better GPS or more familiarity with the route!! All in all a great week though and would highly recommend!!

12 Jul 2019

Lisa Clare

I was on the tour from Avignon to Aiguës Mortes. Some difficult personal circumstances arose for me on the first day of the tour. The staff and the company were as accommodating as they could have been. Lots of companies can show you a good time; this was my third trip with Eurosail and they showed me great professionalism and customer service, in more difficult times. Lisa

12 Jul 2019

Lisa Clare

I was on the tour from Avignon to Aiguës Mortes. Some difficult personal circumstances arose for me on the first day of the tour. The staff and the company were as accommodating as they could have been. Lots of companies can show you a good time; this was my third trip with Eurosail and they showed me great professionalism and customer service, in more difficult times. Lisa

7 Nov 2018

Party Parker | Debbie Fleming and Patty Ross

This was my first trip to Europe and my first bike/barge trip. The staff were friendly and professional and went out of their way to make our experience the best it could be. Our accomadation was comfortable and spacious, the food was delicious and as I am a vegetarian they made sure that my meals were just as varied and tasty as the regular meals. Our daily cycling was easily done and the stops to various places eg. cheese factory and clock tower were informative and fun. Overall a wonderful experience that you should try!!.

7 Nov 2018

Party Parker | Debbie Fleming and Patty Ross

This was my first trip to Europe and my first bike/barge trip. The staff were friendly and professional and went out of their way to make our experience the best it could be. Our accomadation was comfortable and spacious, the food was delicious and as I am a vegetarian they made sure that my meals were just as varied and tasty as the regular meals. Our daily cycling was easily done and the stops to various places eg. cheese factory and clock tower were informative and fun. Overall a wonderful experience that you should try!!.

25 Okt 2018


Overall I would say that it was a fantastic trip! Our guide, Hugo, was incredible. He was attentive, knowledgeable, entertaining, and responsive to our needs. Breakfasts and lunches were wonderful but the cook was new and the dinners were not always great. She put forth good effort but didn’t have a lot of experience. The other two members of the crew were wonderful. The boat was ok. It seemed to be an older boat and wasn’t as big and didn’t have as much light as the other boat we had been on, the Fleur.

25 Okt 2018


Overall I would say that it was a fantastic trip! Our guide, Hugo, was incredible. He was attentive, knowledgeable, entertaining, and responsive to our needs. Breakfasts and lunches were wonderful but the cook was new and the dinners were not always great. She put forth good effort but didn’t have a lot of experience. The other two members of the crew were wonderful. The boat was ok. It seemed to be an older boat and wasn’t as big and didn’t have as much light as the other boat we had been on, the Fleur.

25 Okt 2018


This was the best active vacation I have ever taken! The Iris was well organized and well stocked. The crew was knowledgeable and friendly and the guides were fun to spend time with and full of information about the areas we rode through. I will be back!

25 Okt 2018


This was the best active vacation I have ever taken! The Iris was well organized and well stocked. The crew was knowledgeable and friendly and the guides were fun to spend time with and full of information about the areas we rode through. I will be back!

Ein Schiff chartern | In ganz Europa

Es gibt keine bessere Möglichkeit, mit einer Gruppe von Freunden oder der Familie durch Europa zu reisen, an unbeschwerten Tagen mit dem Fahrrad durch üppige Täler, malerische Dörfer und vorbei an alten Denkmälern um ruhige Abende zu verbringen, die entlang endloser Kanäle treiben, während die Sonne über der umliegenden Landschaft untergeht. Wir bezeichnen unsere Schiffe gerne als „schwimmende Hotels“, weil sie den ganzen Luxus eines Hotels mit der intimen Atmosphäre eines Schiffes verbinden, dessen engagierte Crew und professioneller Küchenchef dafür sorgen, dass Sie während Ihres gesamten Aufenthaltes gut betreut werden.

Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer authentischen Möglichkeit sind, die europäische Küche, Kultur, Kunst und Architektur mit einer Gruppe von Freunden oder der Familie zu erleben, werfen Sie einen Blick auf die von uns angebotenen Touren und buchen Sie ein Urlaubserlebnis, an das Sie sich ein Leben lang erinnern werden.


Warum Eurosail Travel wählen?
  • Unsere Touren verbinden das Abenteuer des Radfahrens durch die europäische Landschaft mit dem unbeschwerten Erlebnis, in einem „schwimmenden Hotel“ entlang der europäischen Kanäle zu segeln. Sie werden freundliche Einheimische treffen und die Kultur auf die authentischste Weise kennenlernen.
  • Unsere Schiffe sind geräumig genug, um komfortabel zu sein, aber intim genug, um unseren Gästen eine persönliche Betreuung zu garantieren. Zu den Mahlzeiten setzen köstliche Gerichte mit frischen, lokalen Zutaten den Standard und ein hauptamtliches Team von mehrsprachigen Crewmitgliedern kümmert sich um Ihre Bedürfnisse.
  • Die kleinen Fahrradgruppen werden von erfahrenen Reiseleitern begleitet. Wir haben Routenoptionen entwickelt, mit denen Sie Ihr Erlebnis an Ihr gewünschtes Aktivitätsniveau anpassen können.